Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Las Vegas Arrival

Arrived last night and went to pick up bags at carousel No. 2. All passengers went there. All the bags were dropped off. No bag!!! Then I hear one of the passengers say that there are some on carousel 1. Go there all bags arrive no bag!! More bags arrive carousel No. 2. Yippee my bag arrives.

Arrive at the Hostel in Downtown. The booking was wrong and I was meant to arrive for booking at 6am, pity it was 2am. They were able to get me into a room for the night. There are two germans in the room with me. It's pretty quiet. We all get up around 9am. I pack up my bags and go to reception to get my proper room. They tell me I can stay in the same room if I want to. Shame they couldn't have told me this before I packed everything up.

Got down to the strip about 2:30pm. Got a ticket to Ka for tonight. Can't wait. I am currently in MGM Grand using the office computer to send this message. Nice people at the Business Centre. I think I am lost in here. It is sooo big. It would take a person a day just to go through it.

An aussie is now in the hostel room with me. He leaves tomorrow. Nice guy.

Must go now and see some of the sights.



Rocknrobyn said...

Hi Stephen,
Thanks for the correct blog address. I have read with interest your posts so far. Luggage can be a BIG problem! Good excuse to buy new stuff eh?
I will check back for updates. I am also communicating with Rosie re her trip with Angel.

Steve said...

Thanks Robyn. The trouble for me is finding the time to write the blog. I really like rosy's blog with her pictures. We SMS each other everyday, so we know we are both ok. Don't you love all this technology?