Saturday, August 11, 2007

Washington Tour

Got up early today to head for The Capitol building to line up for the free tickets for the tour. I got there about 7:45am (it opens at 9am) and was about 25th in line. By about 8:50am the queue had reached about 500 people. It weaved and doubled itself in no matter of time as bus after bus dropped off hopeful tourists. I got in on the first tour and they make you throw out any liquids you may have on your person. The they scan your bag. Overall the tour was well worth the free admission, in addition to the great views you get. I then got on the Old Trolly Tour bus and did the FDR monument, The Lincoln memorial, and Georgetown (I got a picture of the stairway they used in the Exocist, just outside the Georgetown University). Then I got off the tour and used the subway to get to the National Archive, where I saw the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and the Emancipation proclimation. All great stuff. It's now about 7:45pm and I leave tomorrow for Philadelphia. I haven't been there before so i am curious to see what is there. Bye for now.

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